The Intent of LEED, as it relates to cleaning products, is to reduce the environmental impacts of cleaning products, disposable janitorial paper products and trash bags by implementing, managing and auditing cleaning procedures and processes. LEED projects earn points by adhering to prerequisites and credits across nine measurements for building excellence from integrative process to indoor environmental quality.[1]

Two ways to Earn LEED credits with Green Cleaning Products.

A facility can earn LEED credits by establishing & implementing a green, purchasing policy that requires the purchase of sustainable cleaning products.

A facility can also earn credits by developing a high performance cleaning program that focuses on the use of sustainable material, cleaning materials, products, equipment, janitorial paper products & trash bags- materials with optimized environmental impacts[2]

From microfiber products to mop buckets designed to use less water & chemical, ABCO has the environmentally friendly products that will help meet green, cleaning & LEED credit needs. Green Cleaning Product offering